What a beautiful day for a drive. We took the back roads as far as Barrie to enjoy the sunshine and the scenery. As we got into the outskirts of Barrie it started to rain a bit. In a convertible if you drive fast enough the rain never gets inside the car. But we had to stop at a light and a police car pulled up beside us. He lowered his window and said " I can't even counsel you to drive fast enough to keep under the rain. But if you really want to speed up go into OPP territory". He laughed and said "have a nice day". He was a Barrie officer. But rain stopped and the sun came out again and made for a great tour. Pat and Ron invited us to stay for dinner with them. We had a nice visit, a nice dinner and even though it was dark when we headed for home we drove down the 400 with the top down and it was quite warm.
A birthday shout out yesterday to our friend John Hollinger who celebrated his 61st big one. And a shout out to your friend John Taylor who will be 62 tomorrow. Boy we are all getting up there!! We will all be ready for the mail box money soon.
Yesterday was also the anniversary of the horrendous acts of terrorism in the USA. I remember how terrified we all were at work. Our office was on the 35th floor of an office tower with a direct view of Lake Ontario, downtown Toronto. They kept playing the scenes over and over on the tv in the lunch room. One plane was missing and they keep reporting that they did not know where it was headed. We all kept watching to see if it was going to come across that lake right at us as we were in the heart of the financial district. I sent all my staff home early that morning as they were all traumatized. Tom was in Turkey on vacation when this all happened. I was so afraid that he would not make it home safely. We just kept watching the horror on the news. So many lost, so sad, so senseless. We will not forget!!!

Today I am busy getting the house cleaned and the laundry done. Have to be at the hospital at 6 am tomorrow for my 8 am surgery. A new hip this time. Friday the 13th is supposed to be lucky I have been told. Looking forward to having this one done and over with so I can get on with life. Tom did such a good job being Florence Nightingale last time I figured I would hire him again this time. But he refuses to shave his legs!!!
Will catch up to you on the flip side. Until next time - safe travels.
Good luck tomorrow!