The morning swim has been taken care of and we are in the jeep heading to Sarasota to take in The Aquarium at Mote Marine Laboratory. This is a nonprofit organization opened in 1980 to showcase the marine research taking place in Sarasota. Mote's ocean and coastal research has been working for the betterment of the oceans since they opened in 1955.
The displays of fish were pretty neat. Here are just a few examples:
Anemone |
Cuddle Fish |
Lion Fish |
Clown Fish |
Sea Horse |
I can't remember what the last one is called...anyone know? It is about 6 to 8 inches long. One in the tank was white.. they change color to blend into the surroundings.
The raise the sea horses there. They had a tank with tiny little horses born just a week or so ago. They were about 1/4 inch in long. So cute.
Sting Rays |
Sea Turtles |
Sharks |
This girl could do a one flipper hand stand. What do you think Jen!! Can you still do these?
The sky opened up and the rain poured down just as we were finishing up. So we packed back into the jeep to head back to the house. As we were driving through Sarasota we saw this statue.

It is called the Unconditional Surrender and is a rendition of the picture taken on V-J Day in Time Square of the American Soldier kissing a nurse August 14, 1945 celebrating the victory over Japan in WWII.
Another great day in paradise!!
Until next time - safe travels.
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